Llistar Títols per Autor "Olivella Costa, Àngels"

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out url icon Recercat Binding interactions between suberin monomer components and pesticides Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Bazzicalupi, C. ; Bianchi, A. ; Río, J.C. del ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 setembre 2015 Binding interactions between suberin monomer components and pesticides Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Bazzicalupi, C. ; Bianchi, A. ; Río, J.C. del ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat Caracterització del suro i subproductes de la indústria surera. Valoració d’aquests com a biosorbents d’hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en aigües d’escorrentia Jové Martín, Patricia
out url icon Recercat Chemical characterization of different granulometric fractions of grape stalks waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Gominho, Jorge ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
doc icon DUGiDocs octubre 2013 Chemical characterization of different granulometric fractions of grape stalks waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Gominho, Jorge ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
out url icon Recercat The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Gominho, Jorge ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 The chemical composition of exhausted coffee waste Pujol Oriola, David ; Liu, Chang ; Gominho, Jorge ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2013 Estudi de la capacitat del suro com a material adsorbent de pesticides Coll Piernau, Agnès
out url icon Recercat Estudi de la capacitat del suro com a material adsorbent de pesticides Coll Piernau, Agnès
media icon DUGiMedia 1 març 2012 Estudi del suro com a biosorbent de contaminants orgànics : cerca de noves aplicacions mediambientals Olivella Costa, Àngels
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Fungal biodegradation of anthracene-polluted cork: A comparative study Jové, Patricia ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Camarero, Susana ; Caixach, Josep ; Planas, Carles ; Cano, Laura ; de Las Heras, Francesc X.
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Fungal biodegradation of anthracene-polluted cork: A comparative study Jové, Patricia ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Camarero, Susana ; Caixach, Josep ; Planas, Carles ; Cano, Laura ; Heras, Francesc X. de las
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Fungal biodegradation of anthracene-polluted cork: A comparative study Jové Martín, Patricia ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Camarero, Susana ; Caixach, Josep ; Planas, Carles ; Cano, Laura ; Heras, Francesc X. de las
out url icon Recercat The influence of the length of a cork column on the removal of particles, metals and organic compounds from rainwater runoff Van Elsuwé, Ben
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2015 The influence of the length of a cork column on the removal of particles, metals and organic compounds from rainwater runoff Van Elsuwé, Ben
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 A mechanistic approach to methylene blue sorption on two vegetable wastes: Cork bark and grape stalks Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat New insights into the interactions between cork chemical components and pesticides. The contribution of π-π interactions, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic effect Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Bazzicalupi, C. ; Bianchi, A. ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2015 New insights into the interactions between cork chemical components and pesticides. The contribution of π-π interactions, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic effect Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Bazzicalupi, C. ; Bianchi, A. ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
out url icon Recercat New insights into the role of chemical components on metal ions sorption by grape stalks waste Liu, Chang ; Pujol Oriola, David ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs març 2015 New insights into the role of chemical components on metal ions sorption by grape stalks waste Liu, Chang ; Pujol Oriola, David ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Torre Yugueros, Florencio de la ; Poch Garcia, Jordi ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Removal of chromium (vi) in aqueous environments using cork and heat-treated cork samples from quercus cerris and quercus suber Sen, Ali Umut ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Miranda, Isabel ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
out url icon Recercat Removal of chromium (vi) in aqueous environments using cork and heat-treated cork samples from quercus cerris and quercus suber Sen, Ali Umut ; Olivella Costa, Àngels ; Fiol Santaló, Núria ; Miranda, Isabel ; Villaescusa Gil, Isabel ; Pereira, Helena
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